Our Oil-Mill

Reducing the time between the harvest and the pressing of the olive (which is currently a maximum of 4 hours) is a crucial element to preserve and maintain the most valuable organoleptic properties of our oils.

For this reason, Podere Arduini has equipped itself with a latest generation olive oil mill, which uses the most advanced technologies in all the phases of the pressing: washing of the olives, defoliation, crushing, kneading and finally extraction of the oil. The result is an olive oil with a high phenolic content, rich in natural substances to which are recognised remarkable beneficial properties for our health.

Going into the detail of the production process (a continuous cycle cold press system), the washing is carried out with fresh running water to significantly lower the temperature of the olives, and since the crusher is separated from it, it is possible to regulate the crushing turns. Moreover, it is possible to handle the inlet of oxygen (which is a very important step for the formation of lipoxygenase and therefore of the aromas) and the temperature.

The next phase takes place in a closed vertical kneader, which makes a slight depression of the air at a strictly controlled temperature. The horizontal decanter, where the liquids are separated from the solid materials, works without adding water to obtain the maximum quality of the product, without any increase in temperature.

Words are not enough to describe the smell that spreads throughout the mill room while it is in operation: no one has ever left without tasting our freshly pressed olive oil!